Noor Malabika Das, a seasoned webshows actor, was tragically found lifeless in her Mumbai apartment. It’s suspected her death was a suicide. Hailing from Assam, Das once served as an air hostess for Qatar Airways before moving to Mumbai’s Lokhandwala to live.
She shared screen time with famous actress Kajol in the 2023 court drama, ‘The Trial’. Her body surfaced on Thursday when a revolting odor caught the attention of her neighbors, prompting them to alert the authorities. The police forced their way into the apartment, finding the mature actress, 37, deceased and in an advanced state of decomposition.
Crucial evidence including medication and cell phones were gathered from her living quarters to further the investigation. An official reported no suicide letter was found, leading to an accidental death report filed. An autopsy has also been performed. Having recently visited, her aging parents were left in Assam while her friend and fellow actor, Aloknath Pathak, performed the dignified task of laying her to rest with help from a local non-profit.
The All Indian Cine Workers Association is urging Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis for an exhaustive investigation into this distressing suspected suicide. An outcry for government intervention to scrutinize the root causes of these recurrent tragedies plaguing the Indian film industry has been voiced.