Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Raghav Chadha tied the knot in a traditional Sikh ceremony in Udaipur, Rajasthan, on September 24, 2023. The ceremony changed into attended through close own family and friends, along with many celebrities from the Bollywood industry.
Chopra appeared lovely in a red lehenga, even as Chadha wore a white sherwani. The couple exchanged vows beneath a traditional mandap, surrounded by means of their cherished ones.
After the marriage ceremony, the couple hosted a reception for their guests at The Leela Palace Udaipur. The reception turned into a grand affair, with live song, dancing, and scrumptious meals.
Many celebrities from the Bollywood industry attended the marriage and reception, together with Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, and Ranbir Kapoor.
Chopra and Chadha have been dating for over a 12 months now. They announced their engagement in May 2023.
The couple’s wedding has been one of the most talked-approximately occasions inside the Indian leisure industry. It is a union of two very special worlds, but Chopra and Chadha’s love for every other has transcended all boundaries.
We desire the couple a totally glad and completely satisfied married existence!