Bollywood playback singer and Indian Idol determine Shreya Ghoshal lately have become heads together together with her pinnacle-notch traditional look. She became noticed sporting a lovely red and gold lehenga choli to a cutting-edge occasion, and she or he or he looked without a doubt radiant.The lehenga choli become product of rich silk and brocade fabrics, and it became adorned with hard embroidery and sequins. Ghoshal paired the lehenga choli with an same dupatta and a pair of gold assertion rings.
Ghoshal’s hair modified into styled in a graceful bun, and her makeup turned into saved smooth and fashionable. She wore a smoky eye and a nude lip, which perfectly complemented her traditional look.Ghoshal’s lovers have been short to compliment her on her adorable look. They took to social media to praise her sense of style and her splendor.
- “Shreya Ghoshal seems honestly lovely in that purple and gold lehenga choli,” wrote one fan.
- “She is the epitome of conventional splendor,” wrote any other fan.
- “Shreya Ghoshal is continually on component collectively with her style alternatives,” wrote a third fan.
- Ghoshal is thought for her love of conventional Indian clothing. She regularly wears sarees and lehengas to public occasions and award shows. She is also a huge fan of Indian jewelry and add-ons.
- Ghoshal’s top-notch traditional appearance is a great example of a way to fashion conventional Indian clothing in a cutting-edge and fashionable way. It is likewise a reminder that conventional apparel may be simply as glamorous and elegant as every other shape of clothing.