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MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 is now available for download


MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 for 7411 constable jobs is now available at In the article, there is a direct link to download the MP Police Admit Card.


The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB) has issued the MP Police Admit Card 2023 on the official website for applicants who will take the online exam for 7411 constable positions. Applicants can access their MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 by entering their important login information, such as their date of birth and application number, which they gave upon registration. To download the MP Police Constable Admit Card Download link, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

MP Police Admit Card 2023 is now available

The MP Police Constable Exam will be held in two shifts per day beginning August 12th, 2023, at various examination centers throughout the state of Madhya Pradesh. The written test, physical efficiency test, physical standard test, document verification, and medical exam are all part of the MP Police Constable Exam selection process. To be considered for the 7411 MP Police Constable positions, applicants must pass all four phases. The MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 contains all of the important information about the MP Police Constable exam. All candidates must now be prepared for the exam, as hall tickets have been officially released.

Admit Card for MP Police Constables in 2023

MP Police Admit Card 2023 for the Constable written exam has been announced by officials on the official website of MPESB Candidates are recommended to download their Admit Card well in advance of the exam day to avoid any trouble and to bring a printout to the examination center to appear for the examination. The MP Police Admit Card data are provided in the table below.

Field Value
Organization Employee Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh
Exam Name MP Police Constable Exam 2023
Vacancies 7411 vacancies
Category Admit Card
Status Released
Exam Date 12th August 2023 onwards
Mode of Availability Online Mode
Duration of Exam 02 hours
Shift Timing Shift 1- 9:30 am to 11:30 am <br> Shift 2- 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Selection Process Written test, Physical Efficiency test (PET), Physical Standard test (PST), Document Verification, Medical test
Official Website

Download MP Police Admit Card 2023

MPESB, the Madhya Pradesh Police Examination Conducting Body, has released a direct link to get the MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 at, which we have also published below. To avoid misunderstanding on the exam day, applicants should download their admission cards today and go through all of the information on them. Candidates must bring a photocopy of their MP Police Admit Card 2023, as well as an original photo identity (Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, etc.) to the exam site.

MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 Download Link- Click Here

How can I get my MP Police Admit Card 2023?

As previously said, the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB) issued the MP Police Admit Card 2023. As a result, all applicants who applied for this exam can receive their hall ticket by following the processes outlined below.

Step 1: Go to the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board’s (MPESB) official website,

Step 2: The home page appears after you visit the website. Select the “Admit Card” option from the menu bar.

Step 3: When you click on the Admit Card section, a new page will open with the text “MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 download link,” which you should click on.

Step 4: Fill in all of the required information, such as the Application Number, Date of Birth (DOB), first two letters of Mother’s Name, and the last four digits of Aadhar No., and choose your subject in the area provided.

Step 5: After entering all of the information displayed in the image above, click the search button.

Step 6: MP Police Admit Card 2023 will be shown on your screen.

Step 7: Download the MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 and remember to print it out for future reference.

MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023 contains the following information

Applicants are advised to carefully review all of the information on the admit card, as it contains all of the information about the MP Police Constable Exam, such as the exam day, examination center, address, and so on.

Particulars Details
Name of the Candidate The full name of the candidate filled in the application form while applying for the MP Police Exam.
Photograph The passport-size photograph was uploaded during the registration.
Roll Number/Registration Number Unique Roll Number/Registration Number provided to the applicants.
Signature of the candidate Signature uploaded during registration.
Date of Examination The Exam Date (12th August 2023 onwards) on which MP Police Constable Exam 2023 is to be held.
Exam Timing The shift timing on which candidates’ exam has been scheduled.
Reporting Time The time to reach the exam venue.
Venue of Examination The exam Venue and the complete address.
Centre Code A unique center code of the examination center that the candidate has to reach.

Documents taken in addition to the MP Police Admit Card 2023

The following documents, in addition to the MP Police Admit Card 2023, are required to access the exam hall; without these, the candidate may be banned from sitting the exam.

  1. Passport Size Photograph: Candidates must provide two colored passport-size pictures with them.
  2. MP Police Admit Card 2023: The MP Police Admit Card 2023 is a required document to be brought to the exam site. Candidates will not be allowed to attend the exam center unless they have an Admit Card.
  3. Original Photo ID Proof: Along with the MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023, candidates must bring an Original Photo ID Proof such as a PAN Card/Aadhaar/Passport/permanent driving license/voter’s card to the exam center.

Shift Timing for MP Police Constable 2023

The MP Police Constable Examination 2023 is set to begin on August 12, 2023. Each day, the exam will be held in two shifts. The detailed exam timing, including reporting time, test time, and so on, is listed below.

Event Shift 1 Shift 2
Exam Date From 12th August 2023 From 12th August 2023
Duration of Exam 02 hours 02 hours
Reporting Timing 7:30 am to 8:30 am 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Timing of Instruction Reading 9:20 am to 9:30 am 2:20 pm to 2:30 pm
Timing of Examination 9:30 am to 11:30 am 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Important Instructions for MP Police Admit Card 2023

Candidates must carefully study the exam day guidelines, which are printed on their MP Police Admit Card, and adhere to them on the exam day.

  • Candidates are advised to arrive at the test center well in advance of the reporting time specified on the MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023.
  • The MP Police Admit Card 2023 must be brought to the exam center by the candidates. Candidates who do not have an Admit Card will be unable to take the exam.
  • Candidates must bring one original photo identity document and one colored passport size 2 photograph to the examination location on the exam date.
  • Mobile phones, calculators, laptop computers, and watches of any type are absolutely prohibited from entering the Examination hall.
  • Candidates are asked to thoroughly read and comprehend all instructions on the admission card.