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Punjab PCS Syllabus – Get the PPSC Prelims and Mains Syllabus


The official notice for the Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination 2023 has not yet been posted on the website of the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC). A number of positions are covered by this recruitment, including those for Deputy Superintendent of Police, Punjab Civil Services (Executive Branch), Food Supply, Tehsildar, Consumer Affairs Officer, Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies, Labor and Settlement Officer, and Employment Generation. There are three parts to the selection process: the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview. Candidates must thoroughly study all the topics covered in the exam pattern and PPSC Syllabus 2023, as detailed in our article for aspirant Punjab PCS applicants, in order to pass these exams.


Overview of the Punjab PCS Syllabus 2023

Organization Punjab Public Service Commission
Post Name Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination
Category Syllabus
Job Location Punjab
Preliminary Exam General Studies Paper-I
Mains Exam Punjabi
Interview Personal Interview

PPSC 2023 Exam Pattern Most Recent

All test takers should familiarize themselves with the sections, chapters, and other components of the exam before beginning their preparation. Candidates should understand the updated exam format, the topics included, etc. so they may perform well on the test. In order to pass the exam, you must perform well in each of the following areas:

  • Examination Initial
  • Primary Exam
  • round of interviews

Preliminary Exam-Pattern for PPSC 2023

The preliminary test is divided into two papers, each of which has an objective format and four possible answers. Test takers will be qualified for the Main Examination, which is the next phase of selection, based only on their performance on this screening test.

Name of the Subjects Questions Marks for each Question Total Marks
General Studies (Paper 1) 100 2 200
Civil Services Aptitude Test(CSAT) ((paper 2) 80 2.5 200

PPSC Mains Exam Pattern

Papers Name of the subject Maximum Marks
Paper 1 English 100 marks
Paper 2 Punjabi (to be answered only in Gurumukhi Script) 100 marks
Paper 3 Essay writing 100 marks
Paper 4 General Studies Paper 1 100 marks
Paper 5 General Studies Paper 2 100 marks
Paper 6 Non-mandatory Subject 1 – Paper 1 100 marks
Paper 7 Non-mandatory Subject 1 – Paper 2 100 marks
Paper 8 Non-mandatory Subject 2, Paper 1 100 marks
Paper 9 Non-mandatory Subject 2, Paper 2 100 marks

PPSC Interview Test 2023

Candidates who performed well on both examinations will receive an invitation to an interview. The weighted average for the interview phase is 150, and the final merit list will be created by combining the interview and written exam scores. If an applicant receives less than 45% on all of the exams, they will not be invited to the interview. Candidates who fall under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes category are given a 5% relaxation on their overall score, which must contain at least 25% on each paper.

Prelims Exam Syllabus For General Studies For PPSC 2023 document

  1. For the General Studies paper
  • Indian politics and government.
  • general subjects, fundamental science ideas
  • Indian heritage
  • India’s geography as well as that of other nations
  • study-related environmental problems.
  • bureaucracy and government.
  • studies in finance and economics.
  • IT industry and sports.

2. For the CSAT exam

  • interpretation of data.
  • broader reasoning
  • logical thinking
  • data evaluation.
  • mathematical issues.
  • statistics and associated issues.
  • problems with measures and heights.

Mains Exam Syllabus for PPSC 2023

General English language in Paper 1

  • Grammar and vocabulary
  • Idioms, tenses, and verbs
  • Corrections of phrases
  • completion of a sentence
  • Writing a paragraph
  • exact writing

General Punjabi language in Paper 2

  • essay creation
  • writing letters
  • notions of grammar
  • quotations and explanations in the language
  • Written descriptions
  • Writing a paragraph and being exact

Essay General for Paper 3

Candidates are required to prepare essays on various topics for this section. The exam gives the applicants the freedom to select from a variety of themes, but they must remember to stay within the allotted word count.

General Aptitude 1, Paper 4

  • History
  • Indian culture and language
  • geographical research.
  • Information in-depth on the constitution, laws, government, and international relations of Punjab.

General Aptitude 2, Paper 5

  • research pertaining to the environment
  • Technology and science
  • a case study
  • modern and creative problem-solving methods
  • Statistics
  • Graphs and associated issues

Round of interviews

There will be inquiries on numerous subjects pertaining to the candidates’ degree of comprehension.
A personality test will examine a candidate’s aptitude for higher managerial positions.

Best Books for PPSC 2023 Preparation

  1. a succinct overview of modern India’s history.
  2. By Ramesh Singh, Indian Economy
  3. Indian geography by Majid Husain
  4. Laxmikanth’s Indian Politics
  5. Written by Bipin Chandra, Modern Indian History
  6. G.C. Leong’s Physical Geography is a physical geography text.
  7. Satish Chandra’s History of Medieval India and R.S. Sharma’s India’s Ancient Past
  8. Economic Survey of the Ministry of Finance of the Indian Government
  9. Efforts Towards Green India – Environment and Ecology by Arihant Experts, EVS Environmental Studies from
  10. Crisis to Cure, Second Edition, by R. Rajagoplan

Several books for CSAT

English practice

  1. Sixth through twelfth-class textbooks for Punjabi grammar
  2. Essential English Grammar by Raymond Murphy

Thinking and math

  1. McGraw Tata
  2. Reasoning both verbally and nonverbally – RS Agarwal